The main Citrix Link is:

If you are already logged into a session, close out completely and start the process of signing in again.

Passwords expire after 120 days, in which you will receive an email 14 days prior to change your password.  You will not be able to change your password until this window.

1.  When you first launch the Citrix page or Thin Client, you’ll be presented with a login.  Enter your credentials.

2.  On the next screen, you will see a link to the Desktop.   Do NOT click on this yet.  Instead, on the upper right hand corner, click on your name.

3.  Next, click on Change Password…

4.  You’ll come to a screen to enter your old password and a new password.

Note:  Passwords need to be 8 characters minimum and need to meet 3 of 4 the following criteria:

  1. Uppercase Letters
  2. Lowercase Letters
  3. Numbers
  4. Special Characters: ( ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = ` | \ ( ) { } [ ] : ; " ' < > , . ? / )

5.  Click OK and you should get a message that your password was successfully changed.